Why Join

  • YOUR Professional Union gives a voice in the public debate over the future of Public Education.
  • YOUR Professional Organization—provides networking, leadership opportunities and quality professional development to enhance your teaching skills, including AFT’s Education Research & Dissemination Program (ER&D).
  • Membership provides a unified voice for public education to ensure that every child’s basic right to a great public school is realized.
  • EEA sponsors the Woodham Loan Fund—Interest free Education Loan – up to $1000 to cover books and tuition.
  • Membership provides immediate, experienced representation and sound advice if you are accused of misconduct in the line of duty.
  • EEA members support the Gladys P. Hawthorne Fund, which provides small monetary donations to members in dire situations.
  • ESP members raise funds for the We Care Fund, which provides small monetary donations to members in dire situations.
  • Membership provides fellowship with professional colleagues.

EEA Successes

  • EEA worked with the District to establish an employee clinic to offset health cost.
  • EEA along with state and national affiliates defeated attempts to take away public employee rights to fair employment.
  • EEA negotiated a program to mentor 1st year teachers (START).
  • EEA works for the rehiring of our annual contract members.
  • EEA successfully represents members in employment issues, including grievances, appeals, and administrative hearings.
  • EEA works with the district during school closings and consolidations to ensure the contract is followed when placing teachers in their new work locations.
  • EEA, in cooperation with the District, provides quality professional development for members at no cost.
  • EEA convinced local legislators to maintain Teacher Lead funds.
  • EEA secured full funding of Lead Money for teachers engaged in co-teaching.

ESP Successes

  • Escambia ESP worked with the District to establish an employee clinic to offset health cost.
  • Escambia ESP has negotiated a total of 10% increase in salaries in 5 years.
  • Escambia ESP successfully fought to maintain seniority rights in placement.
  • Escambia ESP has fought and will continue to fight efforts to privatize support services in Escambia County.
  • Escambia ESP monitored the school closings and consolidations and assured that the contract was followed.
  • Escambia ESP negotiated a phase in of Bus Compounding minimizing its effect on Bus Operators and eliminated favoritism and bias from the process.
  • Escambia ESP effectively represents members in promotion, transfer, assignment, and pay issues.
  • Escambia ESP monitors the District budget process in preparation for bargaining.